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How to use our coffee machines


Nespresso Gemini 220 coffee pod machine - Starting the machine

Nespresso Gemini 220 coffee pod machine - How to make a coffee

Nespresso Gemini 220 coffee pod machine - Machine shutdown and cleaning

Nespresso Gemini 220 coffee pod machine - Troubleshooting low or no milk

Nespresso Gemini 220 coffee pod machine - Troubleshooting milk frother issues

Further troubleshooting

If the message on the screen reads "replace milk nozzle", detach the milk frothing kit, pull the milk canister drawer out, wait 5 seconds, then push the drawer back in and reconnect the milk frothing kit

If the message on the screen reads "contact Nespresso", power the machine off from the switch at the back off the machine, wait 5 minutes, then power back on and follow the machine startup steps again.

If you have any questions or experiencing any issues


Nespresso Zenius coffee pod machine - Starting the machine

Nespresso Zenius coffee pod machine - Making coffee without milk

If you have any questions or experiencing any issues

Nespresso Zenius coffee pod machine - Making coffee with milk

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